Tag: remarriage

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WHY ARE CHURCHES BREAKING UP HAPPY FAMILIES? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

WHY ARE CHURCHES BREAKING UP HAPPY FAMILIES? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

Is it Biblical to break up marriages because of previous divorce?

Politically correct ministers think marriages must be severed, even when children are involved, unless previous marriages ended because of cheating spouses. To summarize the PC view, “God hates divorce, so let’s have another one.” Is hard-heartedness behind this thinking?  Politically correct Christian college professor J.D. Thomas harshly wrote: “We do not get too excited about the harm to children if the father [goes] to the penitentiary.”

Widespread prison ministries prove Thomas is wrong, and Christians I know care deeply about the incarcerated and their families. More important, Christ cares. Matt. 25:36-40 says, “…I was in prison, and you came to Me…” Jesus further explained,  “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” PC thinking crosses faith boundaries. A book, Marriage Divorce and Remarriage, by a minister of a denomination with strong family values, wrote, “What if there are children? The adulterous relationship is wrong. It must be discontinued.” While the harsh PC theory is not clear in the Bible, it is clear God requires each of his children to “put on a heart of compassion….” (Col 3:12).

Jesus loves all children. Luke 18:16 says, “Permit the children to come to Me… for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Yet a broken home is a child’s worst nightmare. Couples with children, consider three points before submitting to a confused minister’s quack prescription to leave your spouse.  

First, the cost of two households, his and a second for his ex and the children, cripple a man’s ability to obey 1 Timothy 5:8: “But if anyone does not provide for his own… he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (that is, worse than an atheist!).  The father is not around his kids often enough to raise them in the “training and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4), or to “train them up in the way they should go” (Prov. 22:6). Before we go further, please select “subscribe,” the “thumbs up” icon, and the notification bell. Your help is appreciated more than you likely know.  Homewrecking preachers say in essence, “Stop what I think is a sinful marriage, and trade it for the sin of not being able to care for your family.” Jesus never commanded anyone to trade one sin for another. He said, to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way and sin no more” (John 8:11).

Second, divorce robs youngsters of their sense of well-being. The absence of a parent is damaging. Glenn T. Stanton wrote:

Children need two parents…[for a sense of] well-being. Divorce affects this because [it] decreases the…time a child spends with both parents due to separated living arrangements. The quality time with the custodial parent often decreases… because of increased stress and household duties….

Researcher Angel Worobey, in Single Motherhood and Children’s Heath, wrote “Children of divorced parents are fifty percent more likely to develop health problems than children in two parent families.” A 1991 journal article, “Long-Term Effects of Divorce on Children,” concluded even after six years, children of divorce were still lonely, unhappy, anxious, and insecure. Other research found adult children of parents who split up are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide.

Third, divorce repercussions, including homes broken to satisfy stone-hearted church leaders, sometimes last generations. Research in a May 30, 2019, article in The Atlantic, “Children of Divorce,” found those from broken homes are more likely to themselves get divorced. Marital breakdown sometimes starts a domino effect of divorces shaping the future of descendants for many decades. Psychologist Dianne Medved observed that staying together for the sake of the kids is not a bad reason.

In their zeal to enforce a minority and unlikely view, leaders assume alarming responsibility. Wouldn’t it be prudent to consider the wisdom of David before imposing a dubious, damaging doctrine, labeled by the Bible a doctrine of demons in 1 Timothy 4:1 with far-reaching effects? Psalm 131 says “Nor do I involve myself …in things too difficult for me.” Thank you for viewing. More videos are at WeldonLangfield.com. © 2022 Weldon Langfield

Note: Article may be reprinted, completely or in part, in its original, unedited form, and only with the author receiving credit.

WITCH HUNTS OF THE DIVORCED ARE SATANIC (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

WITCH HUNTS OF THE DIVORCED ARE SATANIC (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

Divorced Christians: Are they welcome in the church?

I’m Weldon Langfield, author of The Truth about Divorce and Remarriage: A Politically Incorrect Guide to Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Today’s Church.

Why are the divorced singled out (no pun intended) by some churches? Is it cultural, as it seems to have taken root in the southern United States? Decades ago, the Bible Belt, which has four times the consumption of hard liquor per person as the rest of the country, and where substance abuse is so prevalent that a person can buy only very limited amounts of some over-the-counter allergy medications, had a lower divorce rate than other regions. Bible Belt preacher W. W. Otey, author of the influential Modernism in the Church, concluded singling out those with failed marriages was indeed cultural. He wrote:

ARE SOME PC LEADERS MODERN PHARISEES? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

ARE SOME PC LEADERS MODERN PHARISEES? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

divorce in the church and the modern pharisees

Are certain PC preachers, in some ways, today’s equivalent of Pharisees?

First, the Pharisees accepted parts of God’s word that supported their extremism. Likewise, PC leaders base their conclusions on part of the Bible. They hold that spousal adultery alone permits remarriage. A leading PC educator said, “A correct understanding of one verse …is essential to our problem.” He referred to Matthew 19:9, “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another… commits adultery. But how about “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4)? Some even see remarriage as a fellowship matter, a view unheard of in the Bible. Have they gone so far, they are to be viewed with caution? Jesus said in Matt. 16:6, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees….” Surely the Bible isn’t warning of a phenomenon that existed for a few decades in Bible times. By cautioning of the “leaven,” he was warning of their contagious, rapidly spread, attitude.

GOD IS DIVORCED (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

GOD IS DIVORCED (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

God is divorced.

I’m Weldon Langfield, author of The Truth about Divorce and Remarriage: A Politically Incorrect View of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Today’s Church.

Some believe divorced folks must be flawed, or they wouldn’t be divorced. Yet, God is divorced. Jeremiah 3:8 says, “And I saw that for all the adulteries of faithless Israel, I had…given her a writ of divorce…” The Lord doesn’t sin. James 1:13 says that God cannot even be tempted by evil. God’s divorce proves failed marriages don’t always indicate the divorced are defective. Does the fact that most anti-marriage preachers and leaders are totally unaware of God’s divorce underscore their lack of qualifications to address the subject of divorce and remarriage? What lessons does God’s divorce teach?

SINS OF ANTI-MARRIAGE PREACHERS (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

SINS OF ANTI-MARRIAGE PREACHERS (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

adultery: remarriage after divorce?

Christians were once known for their Bible knowledge. When in my 20s, an older man in the congregation, a woodworker by trade, was known in the area as the “walking Bible.” Now, few ever study at home. Is the individual mastery of God’s word being replaced by preachers as our sources of truth? Ministers, like other Christians, are not perfect. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Some use scriptures, differently understood by sound men, to seek out and destroy marriages not meeting their standards. Yet, they ignore plain, undisputed Bible commands.

First, certain ministers refuse to baptize truth seekers. Why? They have not repented of a supposed sin never mentioned in the Bible: their current “adulterous marriage.”  Yet the same ministers ignore what the Bible clearly says in Acts 10:47: “Surely no one can refuse the water for these to be baptized…” 

SHOULD SOME MARRIED FOLKS BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

SHOULD SOME MARRIED FOLKS BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

MDR: Is remarriage after divorce a fellowship issue?

The politically correct mistakenly see divorce and remarriage as a fellowship matter. They cite 1 Corinthians 5:1-7 to support their view:

It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality of such a kind as does not exist even among the Gentiles, that someone has his father’s wife.You have become arrogant, and have not mourned instead…that the one who had done this deed might be removed from your midst. For I…have already judged him who has… committed this. In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled…with the power of our Lord Jesus, I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough? Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump…”

 Why is this not a model for dealing with certain marriages?

MAY THE “GUILTY PARTY” REMARRY? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

MAY THE “GUILTY PARTY” REMARRY? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

Marriage, divorce, and remarriage (MDR): Who can remarry?

“Guilty Party” in the title is in quotation marks because both parties to a divorce are often guilty. A Christian psychology professor and marriage counselor said, “People are divorced for a reason;” both husbands and wives contribute to their failed marriages. 1 Cor. 7:5 gives an example of how a spouse may tempt a mate to stray: “Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again lest Satan tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

Adultery is always wrong. Adulterers will lose their souls (1 Cor. 6:9). Perhaps someone lacking discipline marries at a young age. The marriage doesn’t last because he didn’t control himself. But did the so-called “innocent” spouse contribute by overlooking red flags in her haste to marry? Must a cheater be alone the rest of his life?

MORE SIGNS THAT THE CHURCH IS GOING CATHOLIC AGAIN (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

MORE SIGNS THAT THE CHURCH IS GOING CATHOLIC AGAIN (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

Marriage, divorce, and remarriage (MDR): forbidding marriage

Thank you for viewing. Jesus’s church began as a simple body governed only by the New Testament. Soon, however, some added to the Bible laws unknown to the earliest Christians. What gradually developed into Catholicism began by barring from leadership those married more than once, even if previous wives had died. Historian Philip Schaff wrote:

Celibacy [that is, the state of being unmarried] was gradually enforced, to the injury of morality. …Voluntary abstinence…may be a great blessing to the church…[Forced celibacy] does violence to nature and Scripture.

Preaching School Pushes Satan’s MDR Doctrine (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

Preaching School Pushes Satan’s MDR Doctrine (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

Marriage, divorce, and remarriage (MDR): teaching error

Following are excerpts a brother, Bill Lewis, wrote in a troubling email:

This doctrine (that is, error on divorce and remarriage) is a major problem in…my area.  Here, where…churches are small and scattered, we rely on…schools of preaching. [A well-known school] has been graduating 50 men every two years since 1965.  Their version of the gospel is to push this agenda, and they are militant…I realize the heads of the schools are not going to admit they are wrong, but the members need to hear another voice, and there isn’t any other being taught.  That is why I am passionate about getting this disseminated. This doctrine was not taught in the church, ever, up until recent years. Now the church is getting to be known by it, as the Mormon church is by polygamy, and it is just as damaging. I am determined to do whatever I can to cry out against it. With my very limited resources and being totally unknown in the brotherhood, I have faith the Lord will be my strength. Lord bless. 

MUST CHRISTIAN WIDOWS REMARRY CHRISTIANS? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

MUST CHRISTIAN WIDOWS REMARRY CHRISTIANS? (Divorce and Remarriage in a Few Minutes)

Marriage, divorce, and remarriage (MDR): marrying non-Christians

Hi. I’m Weldon Langfield. Thank you for viewing. 1 Cor. 7:39 says, “A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.” Does “in the Lord” mean widows must marry Christians? This is an area upon which good brethren disagree.

Yet, a Central California congregation withdrew from an elder’s widow who married a non-Christian. Some brethren strive to “err” on the side of “safety” (especially with other peoples’ marriages and circumstances). Yet, the Bible says all error is sin. Joshua 1:7 says, “Do not turn…to the right or to the left.” Let’s consider why widows aren’t required to remarry other Christians.

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